Websites for lawyers, financial advisers, real estate agents, insurance reps and other reputation-based industries are essential. Owning a personal website is the best way to establish image control and gain an edge in your chosen field.
Your own website serves as a critical digital marketing tool. A professional’s website works tirelessly to promote your qualifications and services. Imagine the sophistication you earn by promoting your name dot com. That link on your business card, your email footer and your resume shows your commitment to your profession, and attracts qualified clients.
Try a Google query of your name. Naturally, no one can predict what results Google will give. However, your own name dot com can rise above many of the other results. With your own domain, you can even increase your wow factor your custom email address, further building our personal brand recognition. A professionally developed website is essential to growing your personal brand. No other on-line platform so thoroughly compiles the images, portfolio pieces, and marketing messages like your own personal website. Now, if this seems overwhelming or a huge commitment of time, you may want to contact a professional digital marketing agency or website company to help make sure you are not wasting precious resources.
Rest assured your competition already takes advantage of online marketing strategies. Let’s face it, how does anyone look for professional services if not via Google? That is why your competitors are already there. Fail to follow suit and you risk being invisible to the very clients, employers and other career influencers you want to impress.
Practice any profession long enough and you will eventually run afoul of a difficult or even vindictive client or opponent. What happens when that nightmare nemesis snaps up your name dot com? Of course, you may seek legal remedies (hopefully your profession is a lawyer). Do you think that will help your reputation before your career is tarnished by shady practices? Why take that risk? Frankly, even if you do nothing with your domain, mere ownership at least keeps your name dot com out of enemy hands.
People Google you to confirm that you are legitimate. Without a web presence, your potential clients are not reassured about using your services. The world’s largest search engine has become the de facto arbiter of credibility. Most people understand that anyone may claim anything on the internet. Regardless, clients still overwhelmingly go to the web.
Unless you have avoided all social media including LinkedIn, you already have an on-line presence. Even if you totally abstain from social media, chances are others have included you in their Facebook posts or Instagram images. Without your own domain, your professional image remains at the mercy of others. While you cannot control what others say, you can make your own voice heard. Take charge. Buy your own domain. You can check if it is available here.